
What our clients say

Matt was wonderful. He validated my concerns and helped me realize that I can be an athlete and in recovery, and that exercise can be a part of my life again.

Laura D.

Recreational Athlete

I was first referred to Matt by my therapist about 8 months ago. I was at a low point struggling with some disordered eating tendencies and body image issues that were tied to anxiety over my performance as a basketball player.

My therapist recommended I meet with him due to his specialized experience working with athletes who struggle with disordered eating and eating disorders.

By the time I had my first meeting with Matt I’d been restricting food and calories for about a year and a half and it had become increasingly unsustainable. I had an internal conflict between wanting to continue restricting but not being able to, and the subsequent distress I felt when I could no longer use food choices to soothe my anxieties over my body image, my dedication as an athlete and my worth as a person.

I stuck to patterns of eating the same foods and ignoring hunger cues. The times I did stray from my “safe” foods, I would immediately feel intense spirals of guilt and anxiety. I was constantly overthinking and would fixate on my appearance. I was the most unhappy and insecure I’d ever been.

I am so grateful to have worked with Matt. The difference I’ve noticed in my day to day life has been immeasurable.

I now spend less time obsessing over food choices and am able to be flexible when I don’t have control and even experimental when I do. I have way more good days than bad days, something I couldn’t have foreseen 8 months ago.

I’ve also learned to sit with emotions even when they’re hard and find alternative ways to cope that work for me. I’ve really begun to embrace my own feelings and decisions, and not rely on comparisons and external opinions so much.

Overall, the growth I was able to make with Matt’s help has really allowed me to decrease the pressure I put on small day to day decisions and instead put that energy towards the things that make me happy. I feel a lot brighter and hopeful now, and feel well- equipped to continue this progress on my own.

I am very thankful as I don’t think I would be where I am now without my time with Matt.

Elizabeth S.

Competitive Athlete

One of my former talented clients often expressed her feelings through art. This painting represents her own non-linear, windy road to developing eating competence.

Every week we met, we discussed her hard earned steps towards mastering each tenet of lasting behavior change, and no matter how many times she drifted due to hardship, she would always regroup, push forward and keep showing up. Recovery is possible!

Before we met you, we were really feeling lost. In the past we were frequently handed cookie-cutter plans from other providers and we had no clue where we were going. It was really frustrating. Your session was incredibly helpful and now we know what to do.

Former Adolescent Patient's Family

To say I owe my life to Matt might come across as a being rather dramatic, but what I do know is that I owe the quality of my life today to him, and for that, I am beyond thankful.

Facing an eating disorder at any point in your life is extremely challenging. To do so in your late 60’s just adds another layer to the immense struggle.

After living with this demon for over forty years, and with my children’s support, I finally decided to get the help I so desperately needed.

I checked into an inpatient facility, which is where I met Matt. He helped me in so many ways when I was there. His extensive nutritional knowledge and background were the key to my taking those first bites (which all of us who are suffering know is extremely challenging, borderline impossible!)

After slowly making strides and beginning to face my demons, I continued to work with Matt on a private basis upon my return home.

I think the thing I appreciate the most about Matt and our continued sessions, is his very honest, yet heartfelt approach. I had become a pro at “fooling” therapists in the past, but I knew upfront not to try that with Matt and that was exactly the kind of approach that I needed. The struggle is real, and he gave me the real help and guidance that I so desperately needed.

Thank you, Matt, from my family and myself, for turning my life in the positive direction in which it is headed today. I am forever grateful.

Amy R.

Overall, I think Matt was extremely knowledgeable and helpful. His knowledge of every facet of competing, made it really easy to talk through successes, struggles, and change. He is open minded and I can always trust his recommendations.

Sydney L.

Recreational Athlete

During COVID, our adolescent son began restricting his calories and compulsively exercising in a quest to become leaner and more muscular based on misleading research he was doing on social media. He went down a rabbit hole we never saw coming and for many months thought he may never climb out of. It was the worst time of our lives. We were terrified he was going to end up having to leave school and be hospitalized. Our lives were consumed trying to find him the right help, someone he would listen to because he certainly was not listening to us.

After several failed attempts at finding an expert that could help, Matt came into our lives and from that moment on we began to have hope again.

There are no words that can express how grateful we are to Matt for all he has done, and continues to do, for our family.

Through patience, listening and education, Matt earned my son’s trust and helped him to reshape his thoughts around eating and exercising. Matt worked with him to set parameters and develop eating and exercising plans that has put my son back on a healthier track.

Matt has been there for us as well. He provides advice and education on how to handle difficult situations. I can honestly say I don’t know how we could have gotten through this without him.

He is not only incredibly good at what he does, but he truly cares about his clients and has become a great mentor to my son. He goes above and beyond, and we highly recommend him to any parents facing this terrible ordeal.

Mother and Father of Recreational Athlete

I respect Matt’s ability to really listen and respond. Matt is patient without being condescending. He listens. He built trust with my 17-year-old boy and that’s not easy to do even when said boy is NOT having eating disorder challenges.

Matt was a savior when the entire family was in crisis and the medical community was busy labeling and medicalizing. Matt stepped up with care and connected.

Matt communicates well with medical team members. He has extensive physiological knowledge of eating behaviors and nutrition in addition to being a skilled communicator and therapist.

As a personal trainer he has guided and advised, answered questions, and requested accountability. I highly recommend Matt’s professional services.

Kirstin H.

Mother of Competitive Athlete

Matt did a really great job making the process easy to use and it’s been super helpful to have his input and knowledge available to our teams. All of our clients that have consulted with him have felt the experience was positive and helped them feel more supported, heard and just a great benefit to their overall treatment.

Walden Behavioral Care’s Clinical Staff

Thank you so very much for your consultations. I can’t tell you how much we appreciate them. Your sessions with our clients were quite impactful. Your recommendations were very helpful!

Walden Behavioral Care Clinicians